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Reverse Paddling
by Jakob Jelling
Reverse paddling is an important kayaking technique.
While forward paddling is probably one of the most commonly used paddling strokes, reverse paddling is just as important. In fact, before you go kayaking, you should definitely practice both forward and reverse paddling to make sure that you have the necessary skills so that you do not end up in trouble while you are out at sea.
First, when you are reverse paddling, you should make sure that you are holding the paddle lightly, just like you would if you were paddling forward. This will help you have more control over the paddle, and it will also keep you from getting injured while you are paddling.
Next, you should make sure that you are using the back of the paddle blade when you are kayaking. While you should put the blade into the water near your feet in order to paddle forward, reverse paddling requires you to put the blade into the water near your hips instead. Then, you should push the paddle toward the bow of your kayak while turning the trunk of your body.
You should make sure that you always keep your elbows bent while you are reverse paddling, that way you will not hurt yourself. You should pull your paddle blade out of the water about when you are even with your knees in the kayak.
You can improve your reverse paddling power by reaching further behind your hips.
Finally, it's important to make sure that you are checking behind yourself and over your shoulder while you are reverse paddling. That way, you can make sure that you are not going to run into anything dangerous.
This stroke is even more important since some of the techniques that you will learn by working on it are important in order to learn the emergency stop technique.
About the Author
Jakob Jelling is the founder of http://www.kayakhelp.com. Please visit his complete kayaking guide for all skills and ages.