Florida Outdoors featuring Dr. Kris Thoemke
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Florida Outdoors

 fish, camp, golf Florida outdoors


Safety Hunting Rules For All Hunters!

  1. Treat your disarmed gun or bow with the same respect that you would with a loaded bow or gun. ALWAYS assume that your gun or bow is loaded and ready to shoot.
  2. Always keep the muzzle of your firearm pointed in a safe direction at all times.
  3. Treat every firearm as though it were loaded.
  4. Always make sure the firearm is unloaded and keep the action open when transporting or storing.
  5. Keep your safety on until ready to shoot.
  6. Do not become anxious and take your safety off of your weapon prior to the shot. That is why the safety is located usually within an inch of the trigger.
  7. Be sure the barrel is clear of obstruction and that you have the proper ammunition for the firearm you are using.
  8. Know the range of your weapon. Know how far it will shoot.
  9. Know what is behind your target.
  10. Ear safety: Many hunters will sacrifice ear safety so they can hear game coming, especially when deer hunting. Put a soft earplug in the ear closest to your weapon.
  11. Be sure of your target before you pull the trigger.
  12. Never point a firearm at anything you do not want to shoot.
  13. Avoid all horseplay / mis-handling of any firearm.
  14. Never climb a fence, tree, or jump a ditch with a loaded firearm.
  15. Never shoot at a flat hard surface such as rocks or water.
  16. Always keep your gun clean.
  17. When you drop your gun, you should always dismantle it, clean it, wipe it down, and put it back together.
  18. Store all firearms and ammunition separately.
  19. Avoid alcohol and other drugs before or during shooting.


outdoor activities and recreation in Floirda
fishing FLhunting floridacamping flbirding FloridaFlorida wildlife watchingFlorida SCUBA diving
canoe and kayakparks and preservesconservation, environmentboating FloridaFlorida GolfequineKris Thoemke


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