The 6,430 acres that make up Collier-Seminole State Park feature a wealth of vegetation and wildlife that is typical of the Everglades region of Florida. One special feature of the park is a tropical hammock dominated by trees that are characteristic of coastal forests of the West Indies and Yucatan. The rare Florida royal palm is a common species here. Much of the park is extensive mangrove swamp. Also found in the park are cypress swamps, salt marshes and pine flatwoods which further add to the park's botanical diversity.
Many species of wildlife have been seen in the park, including several of the state's threatened and endangered species. The brown pelican, wood stork, bald eagle, red-cocaded woodpecker, American crocodile, Florida black bear and Big Cypress fox squirrels are among the animals that make the park their home. The official state animal, the Florida panther, and the official state marine mammal, the West Indian manatee, may also be seen occasionally.
Collier-Seminole is home to a 4,760 acre wilderness preserve located in the mangrove swamp. The preserve is a prime example of how this region looked before the arrival of the first European explorers. A limited number of visitors are allowed to visit the preserve each day by canoe. It is a 13.5 mile canoe trip to the preserve which offers primitive camping for overnight stays.
Tent and RV camping is available at Collier-Seminole State Park. Fishing, boating and canoeing are popular activities at the park where the Blackwater River flows through the park allowing access to the Ten Thousand Islands and the Gulf of Mexico.
A 6.5-mile hiking trail winds through pine flatwoods and cypress swamp, allowing visitors to observe the great variety of vegetation and wildlife found at the park. A self-guided nature trail featuring a boardwalk system and observation platform overlooking the salt marsh is also available. Additional exhibits of plants and wildlife may be seen in the park's Interpretive Center.
Boat tours down the river are available from the concessionaire.
For more information on the park, write to: Collier-Seminole State Park 20200 E. Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 33961 or call: (239) 394-3397